Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What A Whole Foods Coach REALLY Eats!

Join my journey beyond the year from hell!  2011 was a tragic year, we evacuated our city after the Christchurch Feb 22nd earthquake, I left my successful Cook School  & Weight Loss business and my beloved students behind and took the next plane out of Christchurch to Cambridge.  

Thinking our troubles were behind us, we rented a toxic moldy leaky home where our health deteriorated and our diets were not what they should have been due to mold smells and ant infestations in our kitchen!  Now we face a court battle with the owner who a few weeks back, skipped the country!

Always the optimist, I am picking up the pieces, and have recently relocated to a  lifestyle block and business is booming!
In my blog I'll share what I am determined to be the BEST YEAR EVER!  2012 is all about getting rid of the old and awakening the new!
Join me as I divulge all the delicious details of how I cope in the kitchen as a busy mother of three, running a business, finishing my first book, creating my online cook school, hosting Sally Fallon-Morell, founder of Weston A Price Foundation from the states, AND while managing a home and cooking from scratch (Did I mention I home school our middle daughter as well?)  

If I can do it, so can you!  Eat your way through the ups and downs of life and inspiration with me here!  


PS  Today I made homemade feta cheese from farm fresh raw jersey milk. And I have fresh yogurt in the Excalibur incubating.  We ate a nourishing chicken salad with broccoli micro-greens, cultured vegetables and avocado, I snacked on raw crackers, drank loads of raw milk because we hadn't had any in months! Then I craved chocolate and had a bit of a pig out... that time of month!  Now I am off to feed my 121 year old sour dough bug and my newly fermenting gluten free black ferment!

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